The Code of Conduct sets out the expected behavior of all members and affiliated groups when participating in any activity under the name of BristolSEDS, both in-person and online. BristolSEDS also falls under the SU’s Code of Conduct for student groups.

The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to:

  • Protect BristolSEDS members
  • Protect others potentially affected by the actions of BristolSEDS members.
  • Reduce the risk of harm, injury or harassment to BristolSEDS members and affiliated parties.
  • To ensure that all students and other parties feel welcomed and included in the BristolSEDS community.


The Code of Conduct applies to all BristolSEDS members including committee members.

‘Pillar’ values: Inclusion, safety, integrity, teamwork, excellence (from NASA)

Expected Behavior:

  • All members must behave in a way which does not endanger, exclude or is anti-social towards other members.
  • Ensure all members feel welcome to participate in activities and discussions without fear of condescension, judgement or ridiculing.
  • Act responsibly when representing BristolSEDS and avoid actions which could disrepute BristolSEDS or the University of Bristol.
  • Zero tolerance for physical or verbal behavior that creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading or offensive environment
  • Zero tolerance for harassment or stereotyping on the basis of someone’s age, gender, disability, ethnicity, religion or sexual orientation (these characteristics are protected by law).
  • No abuse or misuse of power in team hierarchies or otherwise.
  • No misuse of the BristolSEDS Teams, Whatsapp community and other social platforms.

Sanctions (From SU Code of Conduct)

  • There will be 3 warnings for incidents which fall under the minor breach (1) category.
  • The full SU Code of Conduct for student groups can be found here