Who are we?

HyPower Bristol is a high-power rocketry team at the University of Bristol. Founded as a union of our university’s rocketry skills and experience, we are working within BristolSEDS. We pride ourselves on having a tight-knit team of interdisciplinary students, ranging from first-year undergraduates to PhD students. Brought together during 2020, we have since enjoyed many launches, and continue to learn and grow.

We are an innovative, resourceful, and highly ambitious team of engineers and scientists dedicated to space exploration. Join us in our mission to make space exploration accessible, diverse, and sustainable!


  • Cultivate University of Bristol’s
    experience in space launch
    vehicle design
  • Pioneer integration of liquid
    rocket engines into launch
    vehicles in the UK


  • Build a 5kN bi-propellant
    liquid engine that can propel a launch vehicle to 3km.
  • Design and build a sub-scale and then full-scale launch vehicle for stable 3km flight

Meet the Team Leads

Lillian Macbeth

Lillian Macbeth

Project Manager

Alex Walsh

Alex Walsh

Propulsion Lead

Jacob Cox

Jacob Cox

Launch Vehicle Lead

Kai Baker

Kai Baker

Propulsion Project Manager

Izzy Popiolek

Izzy Popiolek

Ground Station Lead

Ben Brown

Ben Brown

Aerodynamics Lead

Angeline Pang

Angeline Pang

Integration Lead

Lawrence Jackson

Lawrence Jackson

Electronics Lead


The Engine

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The Launch Vehicle

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The Ground Station

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Our Sponsors

Our Story

Composite Manufacturing R&D
The team demonstrated composite manufacture techniques
Mach23 Test Launch
HyPower Bristol, in conjuction with BristolSEDS, successfully launched our first dual deployment test vehicle in Fins over Gwent.
Mach23 Launch
Members from HyPower Bristol travelled to Scotland as part of a BristolSEDS team to successfully launch Bristol’s first large scale sounding rocket at Mach 23.
EuRoC23 Ejection Test
The team conducted ejection charge tests.
EuRoC23 Launch
The team successfully launched their rocket, Stairway to Heaven, in Constancia, Portugal to an altitude of X and came 5th overall.
2024 Preparation
The team are hard at work preparing designs for a bi-propellant liquid engine. Soon manufacturing shall commence and plenty of tests are to come!
Race To Space Hot Fire
The Race to Space UK Competition, organised by the UK Space Agency, is an annual event challenging university students to design and build rocket engines. These are then test-fired at the competion, truely assessing the capabilities of the SRAD engines. The competition in conjunction with numerous companies of the Westcott Space Cluster.
EuRoC24 Launch
EuRoC is an annual competition that brings together university students across Europe to design, build, and launch rockets. Interdisciplinary teams apply engineering and scientific principles to create high-powered rockets capable of reaching target altitudes. Hosted by the Portugeasue Space Agency, ESA and other partners, the competition promotes excellence in rocketry across Europe and cultivates the next generation of talent in the field of space exploration.
May 2023
June 2023
July 2023
September 2023
October 2023
Spring 2024
June 2024
October 2024

Past Projects


The HyPower team launched their first high-power rocket as a group in 2023 in Constancia, Portugal.